Android app development

Android app development – what tools to use?

Android devices are so common that the Android app development is popular even among people who aren’t programmed on a daily basis. Which tools are successful and who can use them? Do you need extensive programming knowledge to develop mobile applications?

Android app development – Simple environments

Can anyone who is interested in Android app development do so? The creators of the Android system, a consortium co-created by Google, assumed that yes, developing the App Inventor environment. This software dedicated to modular design and programming of Android applications is currently being developed by MIT. Enables intuitive mobile app development through a drag and drop interface. Creating a simple user panel and supplementing it with functionality using available elements takes place in the Chrome or Firefox browser window. Numerous tutorials, wide active user forums and constantly developed rich documentation allow to create applications without the need to study the source code. It is enough to use MIT APP Invertor web applications by logging in with your Google account, and after completing the project with the right configuration, you can add the created application to the Google Play store.

Advanced Android app development – SDK and development environments

However, innovative Android app development often requires the use of advanced programming capabilities and dedicated, integrated environments. One of the officially recommended programming languages used in many software houses is Kotlin. It’s based on a Java virtual machine. Semantics and syntactics is similar to the most popular programming language, so every Java developer can switch to it without any problems. But also, for example, the .NET developer, thanks to the modern advanced functionalities of the Visual Studio app development environment, is able to create mobile applications. Almost every larger SDK provides the right tools, often as an add-on or plug-in. Read also: Mobile app development how android apps are created?

The main stages in Android app development – tools to support work

Mobile app development with advanced functionality is very often a teamwork of many specialists from different fields. It includes the design of the application according to pre-defined and continuously verified requirements, the implementation stage, testing and finally the implementation. Not only dedicated development environments but also source code repositories or even ERP systems for resource planning in case of a larger project will help in each step. Each professional app development process involves parallel documentation creation. Many environments have these elements, enabling optimal cooperation and coherence of the projects created. Thanks to this, the mobile app development process ends with a success – a compliant, working application put into use on time.